What to Write When You’re Sick

Juggling home life and work becomes tremendously harder with a sick child.

Anna Burgess Yang
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

These are the days that really get me down. My 8-year-old son came home from school on Friday with The Sick Face. Complaints about a sore throat prompted a trip to walk-in care. Rapid stress test was negative, “just a virus.” Two days later and he still had The Face and The Fever. Follow-up call from the clinic: turns out he has strep after all, as the culture turned positive.

Any juggling of home life and work becomes tremendously harder with a sick child. On top of that, no school today for President’s Day, so the five-year-old was also home.

By the time the clinic called in the evening and we had a prescription for antibiotics, I’m not feeling well. I know my own body well enough to know when a fever is imminent.

I think about all of the writing time I’ve lost. Since I have to squeeze in an hour here or there around our busy lives, something like this sets me back for days. It is impossible to catch up.

I haven’t written in my blog for six days, when I usually write 2–3 times per week. That blog is my grief therapy. Sure, I could dash out a post really fast and “get it out of the way” but it usually requires more reflection. I’m not yet organized enough to have…



Anna Burgess Yang

Freelance Writer. Practical Tips for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉 https://start.annabyang.com/