The Unexpected Benefit of the Time Change

I made the most that I could with the extra hour in the morning.

Anna Burgess Yang
3 min readNov 17, 2019
Photo by Anna Burgess Yang

I dread the semi-annual changing of the clocks for the start and end of Daylight Savings Time. You wouldn’t think that a single hour change would be a big deal but it is. My kids are usually a disaster for at least a week, and I find that it takes awhile for my own body to adjust, resulting in odd sleep patterns and being exhausted as a result.

However, this year was a bit different. I had found a routine that I loved where I would wake early each morning, sometimes at 5:30 am or earlier, and enjoy the peaceful quiet of the house. I would make my coffee, write in my journal, catch up on reading, and make a list of what I wanted to get done that day.

My 7-year-old would usually appear around 6:00, but he was not much of a distraction — getting himself toast or a glass of milk — occasionally engaging in conversation, but not so much that I couldn’t continue to capture that time for myself.

As the days drew further into the cold months, I found that I would no longer wake as early. I finally reached the point where that “time to myself” had nearly disappeared. I considered setting an alarm, but I loathe using an alarm clock. I have had the mentality that if I am still sleeping, then my body is…



Anna Burgess Yang

Freelance Writer. Practical Tips for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉