The Challenges of Finding Time to Write

What can I accomplish with the time and energy I have?

Anna Burgess Yang
5 min readJan 6, 2019
pop art illustration of a typewriter, camera, cup of coffee, and several books and roses are arranged on a wooden table.
Image created via Midjourney

A common “crowdsourcing” question in the writing world is: how do you find time to write? Responses usually fall into the following categories:

  1. I wake up early/stay up late/forego sleep.
  2. I ignore other adult responsibilities, like cleaning.
  3. I give up any other hobbies.
  4. I have a commute or breaks in my regular workday that allow me to write.
  5. I have support from my spouse.

There is typically an undertone of “if it is important to you, you will make it a priority. You will shove off any other demands on your time and you will WRITE.”

Less writing lately

The end of the year brought a lot of unease into my writing life, as I looked at how much I have slowed over the past few months. I had been writing every few days into a blog since my oldest son was 3 weeks old and he is now 9.

But out of respect for his privacy as he began 3rd grade this year, I made the blog private, only sharing with family. Taking away at 360-view into my daily life also removed the obligation I felt to keep up for “readers” — however few.



Anna Burgess Yang

Freelance Writer. Practical Tips for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉