Finding My Medium

A long journey to becoming an artist.

Anna Burgess Yang
4 min readJan 25, 2020

I have always felt that I have an “artistic soul” but never had a way to express myself. I am terrible at drawing, have done a handful of abysmal paintings at social “paint and pour” events (accompanied by wines) and even tried collages with pictures ripped out of the physical copies of National Geographic that I received once per month. Nothing was satisfying.

My kids have no fear when it comes to art, and often in the afternoons on weekends we will sit around the kitchen table, with paints scattered around. They will create something freely while I stare at a paper, wanting to encourage their creativity while I felt no inspiration. The kids would leave random drawings around the house, sketched quickly into a lined notebook or piece of scrap paper, showing a monster, or invention, or map to buried treasure.

Writing was always my outlet, though sometimes I would feel that while I recount my feelings that I am often “telling the same story” and not creating anything new. I love visual expression, but had no way of harnessing it.

A few months ago, I tripped across Let’s Make Art and thought that my 7-year-old would enjoy watching instructional YouTube videos. I bought watercolor paints, and we would sit down on our lazy weekend afternoons and attempt to recreate a forest or a…



Anna Burgess Yang

Freelance Writer. Practical Tips for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉